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Version: ? (ages ago)
Size: 16K
Wow! What can I say? The original Acorn desktop silly. The (in)famous man poking up above the icon bar at random, calling &Cooeeee&. I can't believe I actually wrote this, but I suppose it's a bit of a claim to fame nowadays! :-)

Version: ? (ages ago)
Size: 14K
Another silly desktop demo. This time a Pacman eats away your desktop. Load on a friends machine and sit back!

Version: 1.03 (20th Jul 1990)
Size: 17K
Another classic. The world's first parallax starfield, bouncing ball and scrolling text demo - all multitasking and running inside an icon on the iconbar. Erm, since this demo was written in 1990 a lot of the text is no longer relevant.... ;-)

Version: 1.01 (25th Sep 1990)
Size: 21K
Not content with writing !PV_Demo, I went on to write Conway's famous game of life - all inside an icon on the icon bar. Works well with StrongArm!!

Version: 1.00 (10th May 1999) New!
Size: 26K
An Acorn port of the Dilbert Mission Statement Generator. Generate meaningless, yet impressive sounding goals for yourself

 Psion Apps Comms Education
Index Games Misc Sillies Utils